Spoorbrug HRM

Bridge near Leeuwarden

Last edited 02.05.2022 at 13:08 by Karsten Henrichs, Vintage


53° 11’ 30.1” N


5° 45’ 36.4” E

Operating Information

Openingen tussen 06:00 en 21:00 uur en op afroep tussen 21:00 en 22:00 uur, afroep dient voor 21:00 te worden aangevraagd via 084-0835460.

09.05.2024 - 18.05.2024:

19.05.2024 - 31.10.2024:

Operating Hours

Tuesday 14.05.2024
06:42 - 06:47
07:12 - 07:17
07:42 - 07:47
08:12 - 08:17
08:42 - 08:47
09:12 - 09:17
09:42 - 09:47
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20:12 - 20:17
20:42 - 20:47
21:12 - 21:17
21:42 - 21:47
Wednesday 15.05.2024
06:42 - 06:47
07:12 - 07:17
07:42 - 07:47
08:12 - 08:17
08:42 - 08:47
09:12 - 09:17
09:42 - 09:47
10:12 - 10:17
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Thursday 16.05.2024
06:42 - 06:47
07:12 - 07:17
07:42 - 07:47
08:12 - 08:17
08:42 - 08:47
09:12 - 09:17
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Friday 17.05.2024
06:42 - 06:47
07:12 - 07:17
07:42 - 07:47
08:12 - 08:17
08:42 - 08:47
09:12 - 09:17
09:42 - 09:47
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Saturday 18.05.2024
06:29 - 06:37
06:55 - 07:00
07:12 - 07:17
07:42 - 07:47
08:12 - 08:17
08:42 - 08:47
09:12 - 09:17
09:42 - 09:47
10:12 - 10:17
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11:12 - 11:17
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Sunday 19.05.2024
09:12 - 09:17
09:42 - 09:47
10:12 - 10:17
10:42 - 10:47
11:12 - 11:17
11:42 - 11:47
12:12 - 12:17
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18:12 - 18:17
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19:42 - 19:47
Monday 20.05.2024
09:12 - 09:17
09:42 - 09:47
10:12 - 10:17
10:42 - 10:47
11:12 - 11:17
11:42 - 11:47
12:12 - 12:17
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13:12 - 13:17
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16:42 - 16:47
17:12 - 17:17
17:42 - 17:47
18:12 - 18:17
18:42 - 18:47
19:12 - 19:17
19:42 - 19:47

Bridge Information

Bridge Type Opening
Height closed 5,2 m
Width 12,08 m
Vert. Reference KP


Phone +31 840 835460
VHF Channel 22


Segelyachtelise, SY Merida
Pünktliche Öffnung.
18.03.2021 18:14

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