
Marina near Frederikssund

Last edited 23.02.2023 at 16:01 by NV Charts Team


55° 50’ 8.2” N


12° 3’ 13.4” E


Industrial and commercial port on the eastern shore of Roskilde Fjord immediately north of the former railway bridge.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the commercial port is unproblematic. It is approached directly from the fairway of Roskilde Fjord on an easterly course. In front of the port, there are the remains of a railway bridge in the fairway. When passing the five piers, vehicles leave the middle one on the port side. The passages are lit.


The harbour should only be used by large yachts, which would have problems with draught in the Marbæk marina immediately south of the town. In this case, it is best to moor at the eastern quay at 4.5m water depth. It is better to report to the harbour master to avoid any difficulties with coasters that may be expected.


You will not find any sanitary facilities or other amenities at the commercial harbour. The town of Frederiksund offers good shopping facilities.

NV Land Guide

Frederiksund is known throughout Denmark for its summer Viking games. Every evening from the end of June to the beginning of July, 300 inhabitants of the town don the garb of their red-blond ancestors and bring the rough times of the Norsemen back to life on the open-air stage. The plot of the plays is based on Danish saga literature. And although the actors are amateurs, they have gained so much experience over the years that their open-air play has an acknowledged professional air. If you want to convince yourself of this, it's not far to the scene of the gun-clashing plays. The distance from the marina to the open-air stage, which lies in a small grove to the north-east of the harbour, is a good hundred metres.

The immediate vicinity to the Frederiksund sports facilities with the large Frederiksund Hall may be a reason to check on board whether you have taken your sports shoes with you.

The red carpet has been rolled out for its guests by the Kalvøen restaurant, 300 metres to the north-east of the marina. The prestigious building mainly serves typical Danish cuisine at prices that - despite the red carpeting in front of the portal and the unique view over the fjord - do not reach dizzying heights.

Apart from a few old fishermen's houses in the Skyllebakke district near the commercial harbour, hardly any tranquil places remain in the city of 17,000 inhabitants. The rapid growth of trade and industry have literally pushed the idyll to the edge.

On the other hand, a cosy "oasis" is still the beautiful town hall square of Frederiksund, located almost two kilometres northeast of the marina. The colorful summer streetscape with many stalls and small restaurants in the center is incidentally compensation for the lack of a historic city center. Only the falcon in the town's coat of arms reminds us of the early Middle Ages, when the town was still called Falkenborg. King Frederik III gave the town the name Frederiksund in 1665.

In the north of the small town, at the driveway to the "Kronprins-Frederiks-Bro" (about three kilometres), the J.F.Willumsen-Museum houses the main works of the painter and sculptor, who is not only known in Denmark and after whom the museum was named. The artist donated his art collection to the city after the city promised him to build a museum for it. It was dedicated in 1957. When Willumsen, who last lived in France, died the following year, he was buried in the museum park, where his famous fantasy birds from the open-air stage in Dyrehavn also stand.

Those with excess energy after the long walk can get rid of it at the indoor swimming pool, at Odinsvej 2, or save it for a visit to the disco "Janni" (Havnegade 19).

The marina, with its large, drab harbour apron, lies to the south of Frederiksund, a little away from the action - which is just as well, especially as a campsite by the harbour already provides enough life.

Marina Information

Max Depth 5.3 m


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