
Marina near Hasmark

Last edited 12.03.2024 at 16:59 by NV Charts Team


55° 31’ 35.9” N


10° 28’ 19.1” E


Small marina in the northwest of Odense Fjord.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the marina is unproblematic during the day via the buoyed Egense Dyb. The harbour entrance is lit, but the Egense Dyb is unlit. At night, therefore, very good local knowledge is needed.


There are few vacancies in the harbour, which is heavily occupied by local yachts, in 2m of water.


Limited utilities are available at the rurally located marina. Bread roll service and free bicycles available from the harbour master.

NV Land Guide

The port of Otterup and the town of Otterup are about seven kilometres apart. Guest berths are not particularly well catered for here anyway. Longer stays are therefore not necessarily recommended, although the berths are located in scenic surroundings. The next possibility to get supplies is in Hessum, about two kilometres away.

For the hikers among the sports boaters, Enebærodde offers itself as a beautiful excursion area. The peninsula, which lies between the Kattegat and Odense Fjord, is a unique heather-covered reserve for animals and plants. Largely untouched by civilisation, the six-kilometre-long headland may only be crossed on foot or by bicycle. Incidentally, the connection between the Kattegat and Odense Fjord at the end of the peninsula is only about 400 metres wide. Two kilometres from the harbour is the rococo manor house Hofmannsgave, whose main building was erected at the end of the 18th century. The garden with rare trees and shrubs is particularly remarkable. There is also a small art museum in the park, where the works of the Hofman-Bang sister can be seen.

One of the sights in Otterup is the Regional Cultural History Museum at Bakkevej 2. It is housed in the Heilands Hospital, which was built in 1720 and was a home for old and incapacitated people.

The visitor is given an insight into peasant culture in earlier times. There are also prehistoric finds and old photographs of the town on display. Unfortunately, the museum is only open on Sundays from 2 to 4 pm. A cultic atmosphere surrounds the Viking grave at Glavendrup, about six kilometres west of Otterup. It is the Viking grave with Denmark's longest runic inscription on one of the colossal stones. The inscription consists of over 200 characters and is dated to the 10th century. A high warrior and priest is honored by the characters, and as a precaution, a curse is placed on anyone who would think of stealing the stone for another burial. Evidently this threat that the thief would become a coward worked. No sacrilegious person has tampered with this stone, although some stones of the original 60-metre-long grave are missing.

It is believed that the burial site was also a place of worship. In any case, Glavendrup is one of the most impressive testimonies of the Viking Age.

Marina Information


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