Pakoštane - Boat Hbr.

Marina near Pakoštane

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 17:00 by NV Charts Team


43° 54’ 23” N


15° 30’ 19.5” E


Pakoštane is a small resort on the 1km wide strip of land between the sea and Vransko Jezero (30sqkm). The place is beautifully situated in a flat shore landscape with 3 small islands. On the smallest island in front of the port is the chapel "Sveta Justina" in memory of the Turkish battle won in 1570.

The approach is from the west and you pass the church island east. The fairway and the harbor are shallow - water depths less than 1m.

You can anchor in front of the 2 jetties, eastern of the actual harbor, and then moor with the stern on the jetty. But it is certainly easier to anchor in front of the port and go ashore with the dinghy.

The place is nice, with all the supplies and many excursion possibilities eg.For example to the Vran Lake.

The freshwater lake is karst doline and geological phenomenon, today a nature park with a marsh area and an ornithological reserve with a wide variety of species. It is known for its abundance of fish and popular with anglers.(see POI in the lake).

Marina Information









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