
Marina near Lietzow (Semper)

Last edited 13.03.2024 at 12:09 by Cscheidt


54° 28’ 49.3” N


13° 30’ 8.1” E


Small jetty in the southeast of the Jasmund Bodden.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is only possible during the day. It takes place via the buoyed fairway, which tends to silting up.


Guests lie at short notice at the pontoon of the fish stall or use one of the few free boxes.

Hospitality operator Mr. Böhning runs the harbor.


Sanitary facilities are not available at the jetty. Limited supply possibilities can be found in the village 400m to the east. The pier is located on the busy B 96 (Sassnitz-Stralsund).

NV Land Guide

The jetty at the narrowest point between the Small and the Great Jasmund Bodden is not a suitable berth because of the traffic flowing directly past the busiest road on Rügen, apart from the railway line from Bergen to Sassnitz, Mukran and Binz, which also leads across the narrow land bridge. Who would like to moor here for a short time, needs on top of it the permission of the skippers of the excursion steamers.

From the point of view of the sports skippers it is regrettable anyway that the passage of Lietzow has not existed for a long time and thus the small Jasmund Bodden is not available to the sailors as an anchorage. So the only possibility is to explore the Bodden by dinghy. The lock gates have stood unchanged in a half-open position for over 40 years.

The small castle situated above Lietzow is reminiscent of the Swabian castle of Lichtenstein. It was built when the railway line was built on the dam around 1890.

Between the northern part of the Kleiner Jasmund Bodden and the Baltic Sea lie the flintstone fields. 14 flint walls about two kilometres long and about 250 metres wide are protected here. Despite intensive studies, the exact formation of the approximately three-metre high ramparts is still a mystery to geologists. Heather, blueberries and mosses, among other things, thrive in this charming, somewhat surreal landscape. In the 40-hectare area, it is essential to follow the instructions for visitors so as not to disturb the ecological balance.

For this excursion, Ralswiek also comes into question as a starting point and a better place to moor.

Marina Information


Phone +49 172 672 24 74




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