
Marina near Tuna

Last edited 25.01.2023 at 14:20 by NV Charts Team


55° 54’ 11.6” N


12° 43’ 20” E


Small fishing and ferry port on the east side of Ven.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the fired port is possible day and night. One must pay attention to the at times very strong setting north current. When entering the harbour, one should keep good speed in the ship.


Despite the 50 guest berths, the harbour is often overcrowded, especially at weekends. Sport boats are moored between stern piles on the south pier as well as on the landside quay at 1.5 - 3 m water depth. The north pier is reserved for the ferry. Due to the strong screw water of the ferry, the stern lines are to be occupied carefully.


Besides the usual sanitary facilities, you will find limited shopping facilities at the kiosk. The harbour has STF guest harbour standard.

NV Land Guide

The Bäckviken-Landskrona ferry is the island's only "bridge" to the mainland. On beautiful summer days, it is correspondingly restless in the harbour when the tourists storm the island. The western harbour of the island is then certainly the more relaxing one. The harbour is especially well equipped for day trippers. No less than 700 rental bikes are parked above the harbour's hill next to a kiosk. On nice summer days, almost all of the bikes are used on the "Tour de Ven", which does not exactly make for a tranquil atmosphere on the few roads on the island. Bicycle traffic on "highway number one", Landsvägen, which runs right across the island, is reminiscent of motorway conditions.

The second most important means of transport for visitors is the island bus, an open trailer pulled by a tractor, which takes ferry passengers from the harbour to the interior of the isle - to the Tycho Brahe Museum, to the reconstructed observatory, to the main town of Tuna By, to the harbour settlement of Kyrkbacken. The sights are described at Kyrkbacken harbour, as is the island's history.

At the bicycle hire shop begins the eleven-kilometre shore path, on which the entire island can be circumnavigated.

But from Bäckviken to Norreborg you can also choose the cycle route running directly along the shore.

At the edge of the concrete harbour apron is a small restaurant-café, which advertises itself with the line "Bäckvikens Kiosk, Grill, Glas". Next to it, souvenirs can be bought in a small wooden stall. Other tinker shops are fortunately absent from the small harbour settlement, which has a few nice houses in an enviable location, but otherwise doesn't shine with sights.

Marina Information


Phone +46 708 57 25 55







Public Transport



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