Trave - Teerhofinsel

Marina near Lübeck (Falkenfeld / Vorwerk)

Last edited 18.01.2023 at 11:51 by Jensiejk, Inge Gret


53° 54’ 5.3” N


10° 42’ 0.9” E


There are several private and commercial jetties on the old arm of the Trave. Since the Teerhofinsel is connected to the mainland by a dam, access is always from the southern or northern arm. Elbe-Lübeck canal sailors will find opportunities to lay or place masts here. 

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to both arms of the Trav is directly from the fairway and is also possible at night with a spotlight or appropriate residual light.


In the northern arm of the Trav there are the jetties of the Stettiner Yacht Club (StYC), the Schwartauer Segler-Verein (SSV), the Eisenbahner SV Hansa Lübeck (ESVHL), the Princess marina and the Hansa shipyard. Guest berths can be found at a water depth of approx. 2.5m after consultation with the residents or harbour masters. In the southern arm of the Trave are the facilities of the Kufra and Trave shipyards and the Nord-Ost-Marina. Here, too, you will find berths at 2.7 - 3.7m water depth after consultation with the respective shipyard offices.


Except for good transport connections to the centre of Lübeck (from Schwartau station) and the service of the shipyards, there are no supply possibilities. In the western part of the Teerhofinsel traffic noise from the nearby motorway and railway line is unpleasantly noticeable. Directly in front of the railroad crossing is a well-stocked small spare parts store. There you can also buy propane gas and exchange bottles as well as common engine parts such as oil and fuel filters, shackles, screws, bolts and so on.

NV Land Guide

Industrial enterprises, warehouses, the proximity of the motorway and the railway line running along the shore are reasons not to enter the dead arm of the Trav, although marina after marina line up here. Teerhofinsel is essentially a suburban marina for Lübeck's yachting enthusiasts.

Terhofinsel owes its creation to a correction of the natural course of the Tave River in 1882, when an artificial culvert was built to shorten the connection between Lübeck's city harbour and the Baltic Sea. The island thus created got its name from the settlement of the Teerhof, which was built outside the actual city area for reasons of fire protection. Even in the days of the Hanseatic League, tar was a sought-after commodity, not least because of its importance for sailing ships, where it was used to preserve ship hulls and cordage.

East of Teerhof Island, at the mouth of the Schwartau into the Trave, a memorial stone commemorates the settlement of Luibice ("the lovely one"), which was formerly located here in Slavic times. The origins in the form of a castle complex, which also included a harbour and other settlements, date back to the 7th century, but were abandoned after an attack in 1138.

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