Avernakø (Bådehavn)

Marina near Avernakø By

Last edited 16.08.2023 at 12:29 by Jonah, Sitona


55° 2’ 22.8” N


10° 15’ 12” E


Marina at the northwestern tip- of Avernakø.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the lighted harbour (east of Molenkopf F.G.) is unproblematic. From the buoyed shoal "Avernakø Trille" you keep clear with a southerly course - the green buoy stays incoming to starboard - until you can see the harbour entrance. The entrance is privately buoyed and tends to silting up.


There is plenty of room for guest berths on water depths of approx. 2.4m.


Grocery shop in Avernakø By, 1.3km away. The harbour café is only open during the holidays.

NV Land Guide

Only a narrow, 700-metre-long land bridge connects the eastern and western parts of the island of Avernakø. The charm of the islet in the South Fyn Archipelago lies in the farmland interspersed with curtilages and numerous half-timbered houses with thatched roofs. The 130 or so inhabitants - who make their living from farming and fishing - uphold the traditions of their ancestors, of which the maypoles decorated at Whitsun in the villages of Avernakø and Munke are an example.

There are several references to the very early settlement of the islet. For example, six gold bowls from the Bronze Age have been discovered on the fertile island. In 1685, an interest farmer saw something shimmering in a furrow in the field. After closer examination, the gold bowls came to light. The vessels, richly decorated with sun signs, were probably sacrificial bowls.

The site south of Munkedorf is still called Guldager (Goldacker). Near the village of Avernakø there are also the remains of a stone burial chamber with capstones. Two kilometres from the jetty, at Munke, are the remains of a barrow. The name of the island probably comes from the word Arre and once meant oats, from which it can be concluded that farming was practised on the island long ago.

Visitors to the island who are interested in art will find "Den Lille Kunsthal" (about 1 km from the harbour) at the old vicarage in the village. Exhibitions have long since ceased to be limited exclusively to island artists. The summer exhibitions from the beginning of July to the beginning of August always show guest exhibitors with photographs, paintings and graphics true to the motto "to preserve peculiarities of the island's existence and to combine them with a broad view - beyond the horizon".

There are ferry connections to Fåborg and Lyø, each about 3.5 nautical miles away. The ferry dock at the bridgehead is the only transport link to the " outside world". The supply at the jetty in the west of the island is not very good. If you want to get food, you have to walk to the village, which is about one kilometre away. Here also products from own production are offered, especially worth mentioning meat from highland cattle kept on the island and lamb.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.4 m


Phone +45 60532970
Email Please enable Javascript to read
Website http://www.avernakohavn.dk









Public Transport




Julakali, Sealady
Duschen mit 5kr Münzen
24.07.2023 07:55
Hauke Krey, Arjen
Sehr schöner Hafen - bei den Tiefenangaben ist jedoch vorsichtig geboten. Während in der Karten alles mit 2m gekennzeichnet ist, findet man im vorderen Teil des Hafens an der Kaimauer Tiefen von 1,10-1,20m.
07.09.2021 17:41
Dennis, Akronus
Hübscher kleiner Hafen. Angelegt wird in freien Boxen am zentralen Mittelsteg oder an den Kaimauern. Achtung, die Boxen sind alle unterschiedlich groß. Bezahlung des Liegegeldes am Hafenautomaten. Duschen kosten 5kr/3min (in bar). Strom und Wasser sind inklusive. Es gibt einen günstigen Fahrradverleih. Der fußläufig erreichbare Købmand hat eine überschaubare Auswahl frischer und haltbarer Lebensmittel.
17.08.2021 07:35
Julakali, Sealady
Netter Hafen. Auf der Insel gibt es viele Flohmarktstände zum stöbern. Im Hafen-Café kann man sein Geld versenken und gesehen werden, waren die teuersten Pommes für die Kinder auf der Tour ;)
22.07.2021 08:03
Das Hafen-Café mit der schönen Terrasse ist sehr zu empfehlen. Toiletten und Duschen sind sauber und ausreichend vorhanden (Mitte Juli 2021)
18.06.2021 08:56
Klaus-Peter Meyer, Lotta
19.06.2020 17:29

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