Langballigau - Cafe Anna und Meehr

Restaurant near Langballigau

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 05:18 by Birger Scheidt, XO


54° 49’ 16” N


9° 39’ 5.9” E


Cafe Anna und Meehr! .....and no - not a spelling mistake.

Says of itself:

"We furnish our ambience according to our own ideas and creativity, taking inspiration from the unique landscape by the sea - to make you feel at home.

We bake exclusively with spelt flour and keep the sugar content in our pastries as low as possible. Our food is - as far as possible for us - all homemade and comes fresh daily from the region and the sea."

Anna-Kathrin Schulke-Klenk


Address Am Hafen 9
24977 Langballigau
Phone +4915156009631
Email Please enable Javascript to read


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