Kappeln - Klappbrücke

Navinfo near Kappeln (Ellenberg)

Last edited 02.04.2024 at 10:05 by NV Charts Team


54° 39’ 34.2” N


9° 56’ 11.4” E


Valid from 28.03.2024
Valid until 31.12.2024


red-fixed red-fixed Passage prohibited
red-fixed Passage prohibited, opening in preparation
red-fixed red-fixed Closed for shipping
yellow-fixed red-fixed red-fixed Passage allowed if clearance is sufficient
yellow-fixed green-fixed green-fixed Passage allowed
green-fixed green-fixed Passage allowed, passage for other direction prohibited

Bridge Opening Hours:

From April 1 to October 31, from 05:40 to 21:40 every 15 minutes before each full hour.

From November 1 to March 31, from 07:40 to 17:40 as needed 15 minutes before each full hour.

Any two flags are used as bridge opening signals.
Bridge passages and the waterway under the bridge are subject to the Sea Traffic Regulations. Sailing vessels have no privileges in bridge passages.

The traffic regulations in the narrow passage area are governed by the Sea Traffic Regulations § 25 para. (5) using 2. (tidal-free waters) and para. (6) when the traffic is cleared for both sides by the signal system. (Sea Traffic Regulations, Annex I, Section I, A 19 Passing through movable bridges).

This means that at the narrow passage of the bridge, the vehicles traveling in the direction of Schleswig have right of way and the vehicles traveling in the direction of Schleimünde are required to yield in case of oncoming traffic.

Passage under the closed bridge is always possible.


Uwe, Goldfisch
26.11.2023 00:07

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